Special Works & Maintenance Services
Specialised restoration and maintenance services: preventative, reactive and immediate response with a highly skilled team.
Our Special Works Department is equally engaged in both preventative and reactive projects that may require immediate response.
Operating with its own dedicated Staff and Craft resource, the team ensures we can successfully deliver a wide range of projects alongside our larger works, thus genuinely offering our Clients ‘one stop shopping’.
Projects range from often repetitive work such as emergency works where vehicular/structural damage has occurred or graffiti removal and vandalism repair to facades, to statuary and Public Monuments (be they newly commissioned, repaired and conserved or relocated) to one off projects where the team’s skills are best suited via their tried and tested hands on approach.
Our works vary from the most secure and sensitive sites such as military bases, to public places and spaces. Our disciplines ensure work is completed both to exacting standards and with the minimum of disruption whether the work be commercial, ecclesiastical or to public listed grade I, II and II* properties or a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Much of this work serves to inform Clients as to their on-going needs and future budget planning and the repeat nature of this work ensures continuity of service.
We also provide solutions for Facilities Managers with a tailor-made service to suit their Client’s requirements and budgets.
Safeguarding the safety of the public and other stakeholders is often the driver for such projects, correcting damage and trip hazards in public spaces as well as improving the local environment.
We pride ourselves in our collaborative approach to such projects and have contributed to improving the initial service beyond that initially contracted by introducing cost efficiency continued innovation and attention to detail whilst embracing Client requirements and guidelines.