Whitgift Almshouses

Case Study

Client: Whitgift Foundation
Services Provided: Consultancy, Survey

On behalf of the Whitgift Foundation Stonewest provided consultancy input to assess the current condition of the external envelope of the building (roof level masonry, roof coverings, elevations), identifying any required remedial works or maintenance tasks.

  • Stonewest has undertaken survey work at the Whitgift Almshouses, 10-years following our last consultancy input.
  • The Hospital of the Holy Trinity is Grade I listed and built 1596-99.
  • Quadrangular in layout, it was founded by Archbishop Whitgift in the sixteenth century for the use and benefit of the poor.
  • Condition survey assessment covering roof finishes and elevational masonry undertaken to assist with maintenance planning and the ongoing conservation of the site.
  • Planning required with consideration of current residents.
  • Significant liaison (between SWL, MEWP access provider, traffic management contractor) required with TFL prior to works, to ensure safe undertaking in mind of overhead adjacent tram power lines.

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